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Cizzoe Yi Wang

b. 2000, China.
Based in London, UK.

Cizzoe Yi Wang is an artist working in sculpture, installation, performance, as well as an independent documentary filmmaker.

She graduated with first-class honors in Film Practices from Newcastle University, where she was awarded an academic prize for excellent research. In 2022, she completed her MA in Ethnographic and Documentary Film with distinction at UCL. Her documentary shorts have been selected and awarded at film festivals including the Royal Television Society and Screen Power Film Festival.

Since 2023, she has been exploring ways to integrate her practical research experience in anthropology into contemporary art practice through her MA course at the Royal College of Art. Human participation remains the core element of all her works. Her current practice investigates group dynamics, particularly focusing on the dynamic equilibrium within social interactions. This equilibrium refers to how power and control flow and shift between individuals in a group, and the ambiguity between control and destruction. Cizzoe translates interpersonal relationships into the creation of concept-based and performative gameplays. Centered around the concept she developed - ‘To win is to withdraw’. The way she writes game instructions creates space for the coexistence of competition and collaboration, intimate and distance, the loss of control within control, and conflict within harmony.

Cizzoe often unfolds her game instructions with the philosophical concept of ‘3’ or ‘triangle’. Triangle is a stable structure, but consists of one-to-one oppositions, which she believes it also applies to human relationships. The dynamic among three people encapsulates the coexistence of intimacy, distance, and conflict inherent in human interactions. She views her game works as the studies of human, culture and society. ‘To me, encountering with others are like chemical experiments, the intriguing part is observing different and sometimes opposing characters and reflecting the resulting reactions.’ Her works sometimes can be joyful and intimate, but can also be serious or absurd, depending on the combination of people involved at the time.

©Cizzoe Yi Wang.